Geological Mapping

For construction projects, the potential impact of local geology before any structures are erected should be properly understood and this forms part of the key geotechnical investigations. Desk studies e.g. of published regional geological maps may provide some information on geology however, additional (large scale) geological mapping and modelling should be carried out to validate actual strata, soils and orientation of structures underlying the areas under investigation.

We perform geological mapping of areas under investigation to include desk studies, field and laboratory work within geographical, geological, hydrological and environmental contexts.

In Situ and Laboratory Geotechnical Tests

We conduct geotechnical data acquisition, analysis and provide engineering recommendations based on the physical parameters of the ground for foundation design and construction materials.

Investigation of such requires a wide range of in situ and laboratory tests to model the in-situ conditions and they include; Standard Penetration Tests, Static Cone Penetration Tests and dynamic probing, Plate Load tests Strength and Stiffness parameters. We design and conduct Permeability Tests through pumping tests from boreholes. Our geotechnical engineers strictly observe internationally recognized British and ASTM Standards to perform investigations of sites and guide our clients on their suitability for the construction of civil engineering and building works and the characteristics of particular sites that could affect the design and construction progress.

Ground Geophysics

At Geoquest we emphasize the need for geophysical data to be considered as part of any ground investigation and as an input to the ground model in combination with the ordinary intrusive investigations. The interpretations of the geophysical data should be validated against all the available ground data. We undertake geophysical surveys to map sub-surface geology and groundwater occurrence, locate geological anomalies e.g. faults and cavities or man-made anomalies such as shafts and buried objects, measure engineering properties of the ground and local variations in the geological strata. We utilize various methods including, Seismic Velocity, Electrical Resistivity and Tomography, Very Low Frequency (VLF) Electromagnetics and Ground Penetrating Radar.

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