Geoquest Exploration Limited is committed to fulfilling its duties to protect the health, safety and welfare of its employees, clients and the public visiting its sites of operation that may be affected by its activities, and protecting the quality of the environment as reasonably as possible.

Every employee is expected to be aware of the health, safety and environmental aspects relevant to their position and is expected to act responsibly at all times, doing all that they can to avoid injury to themselves, others or damage to the environment. It a duty of all employees to read, understand and comply with the contents of this policy and to work in accordance with any training or information they have been provided with.

Health, safety and environmental awareness is managed to the same standard as any other activity as undertaken within our business. Success in this area forms part of achieving our core objectives.

In all its business operations, GEOQUEST commits itself to:

Identify and fulfil all Health Safety and environmental compliance obligations;

Promote standards of health, safety and environmental welfare that will, as a minimum, comply with legal and other requirements as well as our own company standards;

Make available such resources in the form of finance, equipment, personnel and time as are necessary to fulfil this policy;

Continually improve its HSE Management System so that we enhance our health, safety and environmental performance; Provide and maintain appropriate systems to ensure a safe and healthy working environment and to protect employees, the environment and others from harm and to prevent pollution, in so far as reasonably possible;

Set and review health, safety and environmental objectives and targets to promote continual improvement;

Provide all employees with sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision that they require to enable them to work safely, efficiently, and to develop a consistent Health, Safety and Environmental culture;

Define individual responsibilities for health, safety and environmental matters;

Provide and maintain a system to ensure that accidents and ‘near misses’ are fully investigated and appropriate action taken to reduce the likelihood of their reoccurrence;

Encourage full and effective consultation on all health, safety and environmental matters;

Conduct periodic reviews and revise the policy where necessary to promote continuous improvement and to ensure that this policy remains relevant, effective and in force.

Make this policy easily accessible to all employees.

In deciding what is considered reasonable, we will take into account all business, economic and work constraints but will not compromise on safety.

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