Site Geological characterization, rock and structural mapping to guide damming and channeling of River Nkutsi in regard to competence of rocks. Partners at Nkutsi Lower hydroelectric power plant project.
Appraisal for the 53 square kilometer Exploration License located in Kyamabare, Rubanda District for Iron Ore and Base Metals Exploration on behalf of Steel and Tube Industries Ltd.
State House: Uganda’s resources appraisals and value addition research for the country’s mineral sector reforms.
Participation on REGIDESO (Regie De Distribution D’eau De La Republique Democratique Du Congo) Geotechnical evaluation of Tshilomba and Tshalla Hydropower plant sites in the southern and eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
Reconnaissance and Mineral Assessment of exploration properties located in parts of Namayingo, Rubirizi, Mubende, Sheema and Kyenjojo Districts, covering 1,264 square kilometers on behalf of Samta Mines & Minerals (U) Ltd.
A Feasibility Study for the Proposed Rupa Limestone Quarry in Moroto District Uganda. For Sunbird Resources Limited.
Environmental impact studies for Simba Mini Oil Refinery Project. Soil and Geological Investigations in partnership with Atacama Consulting Group
Evaluation of Rupa Limestone/marble resource for Sunbelt Mining Group.

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