Geoquest consultants continue to provide scheduled trainings and professional development to the mining and exploration industry within Uganda. The following topics are available and these are all customisable to clients’ requirement: Sampling, Analytical Methods, Geostatisical analysis of exploration data, GIS and QAQC.


Although these trainings are mostly attended by geologists, we believe it is important for managers and field technicians (the latter frequently collect samples) to appreciate the significance of for example; proper sampling and the influence that sampling can have on their budgets.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control often determines the success or failure of the otherwise prospective projects. For example we have observed that it is not uncommon for field teams to formally insert standards, duplicates and blanks and not follow up on the QAQC analyses. This is again useful for team leaders and mid-level managers to be part of these training as it will open their eyes to the potential cost saving and obtaining more realistic data on which to base their models.

Significance of analytical methods and data interpretation. Our experience in reviewing some projects we have observed that decisions based on a non-suitable methods of sample analysis or use of un-validated data may often lead to flawed decision making and may lead to unnecessary expenditure. This topic discusses methods that are suitable for specific geological materials and instances where data may require constant validation and checks before making overambitious decisions.

Optimisation of pXRF usage.

Reliance on portable XRF has gained much popularity in the last decade however; its otherwise productive application (for the available key Brands) has often been underutilized. We have helped companies optimise expenditure on sample analysis utilizing this tool and got the best out of their massive sampling programs. We ensure proper equipment calibrations and utilize sample preparations relevant to the commodities sought and usage for out of reach commodities (such as Li) and that accuracy and precision are controlled and all measures are in place to warrant quality of results.

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